CREATING A JUST SCOTLAND - Transforming our land and taxation policies

Saturday, 29 October 2016 - 10:00am to 11:50am
Out of the Blue Drill Hall

Scottish Quakers are committed to seeking a just society in which resources are shared more equitably. We are not alone; many others share this vision. The time seems right to join with others and call for change. Together with Mairi Campbell-Jack, General Meeting Scottish Parliamentary Engagement Officer, GM Parliamentary Liaison Function Group has arranged this symposium on tackling inequalities in Scottish society. Chaired by Sally Foster-Fulton, speakers include Richard Murphy, Lesley Riddoch and Andy Wightman MSP. By agreement, it is on the programme of the Independent & Radical Book Fair in Edinburgh.

There are no tickets for this FREE event – Just come along.

The symposium will bring together a range of concerned parties including Scottish Quakers, other churches and faith communities, and local organisations working on economic justice.

Sally Foster-Fulton, head of Christian Aid in Scotland and former chair of the Church of Scotland Church and Society Council will chair the symposium. There will be three speakers:

  • Richard Murphy, well known academic political economist, who has proposed a radical reform of our taxation system in books such as ‘The Joy of Tax’ and has been a significant influence on current Labour Party thinking.
  • Lesley Riddoch, journalist, author of ‘Blossom - what Scotland needs to flourish’. Influential in making links between Scottish politicians and Nordic countries, with a view to learning lessons from their economic and political systems.
  • Andy Wightman MSP, advocate of land ownership reform in Scotland, author of ‘Scotland - Land and Power: The Agenda for Land Reform’ etc.

For further information, please contact Mairi Campbell-Jack, mairic [at]

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Out of the Blue Drill Hall
36 Dalmeny Street
Edinburgh EH6 8RG ,