Bringing COP into your communities
COP26 poster.jpg
Example of the poster created by a Friend from Aberdeen Meeting.
COP26 poster.jpg

COP26 is happening in Glasgow in November. This is a chance to respond to Quaker’s concern on Climate change.
A group of activists in Scotland have put together an information sheet and a list of suggestions to encourage Friends to respond to COP26 in their communities.
They are calling for Friends to:
• Consider what you and your meeting could do to make your communities aware of COP26.
• Make a poster about the Quaker approach to COP26, or your meeting’s response to that work. Share the poster in your community (on a noticeboard, in your own window, or online).
• Check the Quakers in Scotland and Britain Yearly Meeting websites for ways to get further involved with COP 26:
• Work with other committed organisations, such as Christian Aid who are active on COP 26 – see https://www.christianaid.org.uk/campaigns/climate
To help Friends with this work they have created:
• An information sheet about Scottish Friends and COP26 to inform Friends about what is happening. Available here.
• A one page summery for Friends and meetings to help them create their poster. Available here.