Options for Scotland 2023

Quakscot way forward.jpg

Happy Quaker

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General Meeting for Scotland commissioned the Options for Scotland (2) group to look at options for more radical reorganisation of the structures we depend on as Quakers in Scotland. At the GM held on June 10, some anxieties were expressed, and the topic will be reconsidered at the September meeting, with some further input provided by the OfS2 group.

The report

Further information

Information beyond the contents of the report:

Contact us

If you would like to ask questions or send further input, best to contact one of the group members from your AM (listed below), but you can also email Neil Turner (neilturn [at] gmail.com (subject: From%20Options for Quaker Scotland) ) or Lesley Richards (convenor, lesley.richards [at] rocketmail.com (subject: from%20OfS2 webpage) ) with any queries or responses.

Lesley Richards (Convenor)
Pam Apted (ESAM)
Brian Ashley (NSAM)
Peter Christy (WSAM)
Gisela Creed (WSAM)
Robin Davis (WSAM)
Kate Gulliver (WSAM)
Zoe Prosser (Quaker development worker)
Neil Turner (SESAM)