
Path for Implementation

If by mid-June all for Area Meetings and General Meeting for Scotland have agreed that the direction of travel for Quakers in Scotland is to set up a single body with a single charity a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation), then the next bit of the journey might look like this:- (page also available as Implementation.pdf for printing)

Stage One

The existing committee is asked to continue or a new committee is appointed to work together to coordinate the implementation.

Stage two

Subgroups are set up, co-ordinated by members of the committee, but involving Friends from across Scotland tasked with planning how eldership and pastoral care of all Quakers would be provided, and how the pattern of meetings for Quakers in Scotland will work. Another subgroup might explore the work on nominations happening elsewhere and plan for nominations in the new body.

The committee collects together documentation from elsewhere that might be adapted to fit the Scottish situation and from these drafts a governing document. A subgroup drafts a general MOU that describes how the Local Meetings, Quakers in Scotland and the trustees work together, and another specifically about property. Different AMs have different traditions and Friends will need to negotiate an agreed way forward. It will be appropriate to consult wider by having zoom meetings for interested Friends. Doing this is actually enjoyable for the most part and brings Friends together. (1 Year approx.)

Stage three

When there is a good enough draft governing document and general MOU, Area Meetings and General Meetings are asked to commit to becoming part of the single body and their trustees asked to work with the committee to set up the single charity. (three months)

Stage four

The advice given to the equivalent committee in Wales and the Marches is that it is easiest to set up the new charity and then the other component parts join it. This process includes

  • Collecting together all the necessary information
  • The committee taking the necessary legal advice, and work with support from BYM staff to complete the form from OSCR to set up the new charity.
  • Negotiate consent from OSCR (they are in favour of small charities combining)
  • Calling an inaugural meeting of Quakers in Scotland to appoint a first trustee body
  • Transferring assets to the new charity

(six months approx)

Alongside stages, two, three and four

There is ongoing work drafting more specialised MOUs and adapting a whole raft of policies to suit the Scottish situation. The list is daunting, but many are already in place and there are models to crib from for the others.

Stage five

The existing Area Meetings formally lay themselves down and become part of the single body Quakers in Scotland. (three months)

Stage six


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