Covid-19 has meant that Edinburgh Doors Open Day has moved online in 2020 - so welcom
Welcome! This is the first of a new series about what we and others can do, and are doing, about the climate emergency.
Quakers in Scotland have joined with civic society organisations in calling on the First Minister to discuss how Scotland can lead a radical response to the double crises of climate change and Coro
Friends from 72 households - perhaps 100 in total - met by Zoom for All-age worship on 5 April 2020.
Due to Covid-19, Meetings for Worship in Scotland may not be meeting in person. Some meetings are making alternative arrangements online.
In November 2021, the United Kingdom will host the Conference of the Parties (COP26) United Nations Climate Change Summit in Glasgow.
Glasgow Elders are very pleased to invite all f/Friends, attenders and members, curious and concerned, to an "Exploring Eldership Day" at Glasgow Quaker Meeting House, 10am for 10.30 - 3.30pm Satur
On Tuesday 1 October, Alastair Cameron, clerk of South East Scotland Area Meeting, led the Scottish Parliament in "Time for Reflection".