Scottish Quakers, through the Parliamentary Liaison Group, held a symposium on Saturday 29 October on the subject of tax and land reform.
On 27th October, St Andrews Quakers celebrated the completion of a labyrinth in Kinburn Park, St Andrews.
Inverness Quakers lay a wreath of red and white poppies every year at the Cavell Memorial in Inverness. For the past two years the children have laid the wreath on the memorial.
There is a new worshipping group in Brora in the Northern Highlands, hosted by the local Episcopal church.
A joint Quaker/ForcesWatch petition on the military presence in Scottish schools, which was signed by over
Quakers in Scotland and ForcesWatch are presenting a
Quakers were among seven member churches of Action of Chuches Together in Scotland who met in Edinburgh on Monday 4th July to share initial thoughts, questions and concerns over the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.
Common Weal South Lanarkshire sent a series of freedom of information requests to local authroities in Scotland to assess the extent of their investment in the arms trade.
Pamala McDougall and Joyce Taylor report on their visit to Brussels from 5th to 7th April as part of an Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS) delegation to the European Commission.
What can Quakers do about Militarism: a workshops across the UK in May to explore how Friends can increase public awareness, debate and scrutiny of militarisation in society.
This event, organised by Mairi Campbell- Jack the Scottish Quaker Parliamentary Engagement Officer on behalf of Quakers in Scotland, was hosted by Patrick Harvie MSP.